Axel Peytavin

Research Engineer, Stanford University

peytavin [AT]


I am primarily interested in the use of AI in Computational Social Sciences to study complex social phenomena and sentiment, and in building tools to alleviate challenging social problems. The advent of LLMs opens up a lot of possibilities in many exciting directions to study complex sentiments at scale.

I'm currently a Research Engineer at Stanford University, working with Johan Ugander and in collaboration with Martin Saveski on questions related to X / Twitter Community Notes.

🌎 I was previously a researcher in Ocean Plastic Pollution modeling, for The Ocean Cleanup. As of Jan 2024, the foundation removed 8,000+ tons of plastic from oceans and rivers. I worked at the intersection of physics modeling, machine learning, environmental sciences and high performance computing. I also popularized our science in articles and widely used interactive maps.

I was also the founder of GetAlong, an attempt at bringing better conversations to news websites. We were running on The Stanford Daily and The Salt Lake Tribune, totaling 6.5M+ readers impacted per month.

I am also an avid fan of Isaac Asimov's litterature, in particular the concept of Psychohistory and his anticipation of robots. In my spare time, I leverage my knowledge of AI to 🤖 build robots.

Publications & talks

Papers as appearing on Google Scholar.
Talks are provided with links to their recordings.

Building & Analyzing the World's Largest Beach Cleanup Database

Axel Peytavin

Everyday AI San Francisco. 2023.

Industrialised fishing nations largely contribute to floating plastic pollution in the North Pacific subtropical gyre

Laurent Lebreton, Sarah-Jeanne Royer, Axel Peytavin, Wouter Jan Strietman, Ingeborg Smeding-Zuurendonk, Matthias Egger

Scientific Reports, 12(1), 1-11. 2022.

Size Dependent Transport of Floating Plastics Modeled in the Global Ocean. Front

D Klink, A Peytavin, L Lebreton

Frontiers in Marine Science, 9. 2022.

Ocean Plastic Assimilator v0. 2: assimilation of plastic concentration data into Lagrangian dispersion models

Axel Peytavin, Bruno Sainte-Rose, Gael Forget, Jean-Michel Campin

Geoscientific Model Development, 14(7), 4769-4780. 2021.

Why we can’t fact-check people

Axel Peytavin

TEDxCentraleSupelec. 2023.

Building & Analyzing the World's Largest Beach Cleanup Database

Axel Peytavin

Everyday AI San Francisco. 2023.

Industrialised fishing nations largely contribute to floating plastic pollution in the North Pacific subtropical gyre

Laurent Lebreton, Sarah-Jeanne Royer, Axel Peytavin, Wouter Jan Strietman, Ingeborg Smeding-Zuurendonk, Matthias Egger

Scientific Reports, 12(1), 1-11. 2022.

Size Dependent Transport of Floating Plastics Modeled in the Global Ocean. Front

D Klink, A Peytavin, L Lebreton

Frontiers in Marine Science, 9. 2022.

Ocean Plastic Assimilator v0. 2: assimilation of plastic concentration data into Lagrangian dispersion models

Axel Peytavin, Bruno Sainte-Rose, Gael Forget, Jean-Michel Campin

Geoscientific Model Development, 14(7), 4769-4780. 2021.

Why we can’t fact-check people

Axel Peytavin

TEDxCentraleSupelec. 2023.


Full Resume in PDF.

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